12 x M8 45 mm long
3 x M8 50mm long
4 x M8 Grub screw
1 x Baffle tray
1 x Engine girdle
1 x Oil pick-up pipe
Remove the old balance shaft assembly from the engine , remove the mains caps that have the oil supply holes to the balancer shafts .
Drill the feed holes oversize to a suitable M8 tapping size (17/64” or 6.8mm drill ) approximately 12-13 mm deep . Use of a drill press or milling machine will make life easy, however this can also be easily done with a pistol drill and a little care .
Tap all 4 holes with an M8 x 1.25 pitch tap to around 11-12mm deep .
Take the 4 M8 grub screws and wind these into the tapped holes till they are firmly secure , use of locktite 638 or similar retaining/ sealing compound is strongly recommended as is peening over the edge of the M8 hole after the screws have been wound in , this will further ensure that it is impossible for them to come out.
The girdle is now ready to be fitted to the engine , please make note that the 3 x supplied longer bolts are for use to secure the assembly points over the oil pick up pipe and also one additional longer bolt for securing the assembly over the remaining dowelled hole that is now not needed . Please make yourself familiar with these bolt locations before assembling anything
Secure the girdle in place using a couple of bolts in the middle mains cap holes , if you are working upside down in situ this will make bolting the baffle plate on much more easy , secure the baffle plate in place using some of the remaining bolts making sure to use one of the longer bolts in the dowelled hole.
Secure the Oil pick-up pipe first to the oil pump using the original bolts and also some thread lock, secure the feet of the oil pick-up pipe with the remaining two longer M8 x 50 bolts .Tighten all the bolts fitted holding the grdle baffle tray to 20NM and 45 degrees.
All sump pans can now be re assembled as per removal .
If you are experiencing any difficulty with fitting any of the parts supplied in this kit them please send any questions to -